14 CONVENTIONAL GROUP42 Index Contents Confidential FUNC (K)/Ver. 1.0114.2.7 Transmit PowerTransmit Power is the transmission power of thetransceiver. Low can be configured for the transmitpower to reduce battery consumption if a repeater or thereceiving party is nearby.Therefore, the operating time of the transceiver is alsoextended.Transmit Power can be switched between High and Lowby pressing the Low Transmit Power key.Transmit Power can be configured by usingKPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Transmit Power (Refer to FPRG6.4.9 Transmit Power.)• Assigning functions to the PF keys (Refer toFPRG 6.8 Key Assignment.)14.2.8 Wide/ NarrowSelect the Channel Spacing for available channels.Wide/ Narrow can be configured by using KPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Wide/ Narrow (Refer to FPRG6.4.10 Wide/ Narrow.)14.2.9 Optional SignalingOptional Signaling is signaling used for making anindividual call. (Refer to 16.2 Optional Signaling on page55.)Optional Signaling can be configured for each channel byusing the KPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Optional Signaling (ConventionalGroup) (Refer to FPRG 6.4.11 OptionalSignaling.)14.2.10 Busy Channel LockoutIf a user transmits on a channel while other groups areusing that channel, the user may interfere with the othergroups’ communications. Busy Channel Lockoutprevents such interference. (Refer to 10 Busy ChannelLockout on page 33.)Busy Channel Lockout can be configured for eachchannel by using KPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Busy Channel Lockout (Refer toFPRG 6.4.12 Busy Channel Lockout.)14.2.11 PTT IDPTT ID is the transceiver identification code sent whenthe PTT switch is pressed and/or released. (Refer to 12PTT ID on page 36.)The timing to send the PTT ID can be configured by usingKPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the PTT ID (Refer to FPRG 6.4.13PTT ID.)14.2.12 PTT ID (BOT)PTT ID (BOT) is the ID Code sent at the beginning of thetransmission when the transceiver sends the PTT IDwhile DTMF is configured for PTT ID Type.PTT ID (BOT) can be configured by using KPG-101D.(Refer to FPRG 6.4.14 PTT ID (BOT).)14.2.13 PTT ID (EOT)PTT ID (EOT) is the ID Code sent at the end of thetransmission when the transceiver sends the PTT IDwhile DTMF is configured for PTT ID Type.PTT ID (EOT) can be configured by using KPG-101D.(Refer to FPRG 6.4.15 PTT ID (EOT).)