20 FLEETSYNC100 Index Contents Confidential FUNC (K)/Ver. 1.01 Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Message Display Type (Refer toFPRG 6.12.1 General 1 Tab - Message DisplayType.)20.7.5 PC Interface ProtocolThere are 2 types of PC Interface Protocols: Version 1and Version 2.Version 1 is same protocol used in the TK-780 and TK-7150.Version 2 is the new protocol. In this version, aSequence number is added to the command, and ACK(acknowledge) can be sent after receiving a command.Therefore, it is easier to manage and control thetransceiver from the PC.PC Interface Protocol can be configured by using KPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the PC Interface Protocol (Refer toFPRG 6.12.1 General 1 Tab - PC InterfaceProtocol.)20.7.6 Manual DialingManual Dialing can be used to directly enter the Fleet andID numbers.Enter directly the Fleet and ID using the keypad orSelector when Manual Dialing is enabled.Manual Dialing can be configured to be enabled ordisabled by using KPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Manual Dialing (Refer to FPRG6.12.1 General 1 Tab - Manual Dialing.)20.7.7 Selective Call Alert LEDSelective Call Alert LED can be used to make theSelective Call Alert LED blink when the transceiverreceives a Selcall. (Refer to 20.2 Selcall Function onpage 82.)The Selective Call Alert LED can be configured to blink byusing KPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Selective Call Alert LED (Refer toFPRG 6.12.1 General 1 Tab - Selective Call AlertLED.)20.7.8 Interfleet CallThis function allows a user to make a call to a FleetSyncID in a different Fleet.A user can inhibit making a call to a FleetSync ID havinga different Fleet number by disabling Interfleet Call(Uncheck) by using KPG-101D. This function alsoprevents a user from making a call to an Interfleet IDinadvertently.Interfleet Call can be configured to be enabled or disabledby using KPG-101D.Note: A user can make an Interfleet Call regardless of theInterfleet configuration when making an Interfleet Call with aPC Command. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Interfleet Call (Refer to FPRG6.12.1 General 1 Tab - Interfleet Call.)20.7.9 Group IDA user can make a Group Call using FleetSync. Thesame Group ID must be assigned to transceivers in eachgroup when making a Group Call. A user can make a callto a smaller unit than Fleet Call and Supervisor Call.Normally, Group ID is used in the same Fleet.Table 20-17 Response Scenarios for Group IDsGroup ID can be configured if the Group ID checkbox ischecked. A user can configure a maximum of 10 groups.Group ID can be configured to be enabled or disabled byusing KPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Group ID (Refer to FPRG 6.12.1General 1 Tab - Group ID.)• Configuring the Group ID (1 to 10) (Refer to FPRG6.12.1 General 1 Tab - Group ID (1 to 10).)Call TypeResponseID Configured inID ListID Not Configuredin ID ListGroup Call A user can respondwith a Group Call.A user can respondwith a Group Call.However, a user maynot be able torespond according tothe Interfleetconfiguration andUnit Encode Blockconfiguration.