25 VOXFUNC (K)/Ver. 1.01 Confidential Contents Index 123 Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the VOX Gain Level (Refer to FPRG6.7.3 Conventional Tab - VOX Gain Level.)• Assigning functions to the PF keys (Refer toFPRG 6.8 Key Assignment.)25.1.2 VOX Delay TimeThe VOX Delay Time is the duration that the transceiverremains in transmit mode after a user stops speaking. Ifthe transceiver returns to receive mode too quickly after auser stops speaking, their final word(s) may not betransmitted. To avoid this, select an appropriate VOXDelay Time that allows all words to be transmitted withoutan overly long delay after the user stops speaking.The transceiver completes the VOX transmission whenthe microphone collects no additional audio during theVOX Delay Time.The VOX Delay Time can be configured by using KPG-101D.Figure 25-1 VOX Delay Time Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the VOX Delay Time (Refer to FPRG6.7.3 Conventional Tab - VOX Delay Time.)25.1.3 Transmit Inhibit whileReceivingTransmit Inhibit while Receiving is used to restrict VOXtransmission while the speaker unmutes.Transmit Inhibit while Receiving can be configured byusing KPG-101D. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Transmit Inhibit while Receiving(Refer to FPRG 6.7.3 Conventional Tab - TransmitInhibit while Receiving.)25.1.4 Cancel OperationCancel Operation disables the VOX function when thePTT switch is pressed while VOX is enabled.A user can enable the VOX function by pressing the VOXkey even if the VOX function is disabled with the PTTswitch. If the VOX key is not configured for thetransceiver, VOX is enabled when the transceiver isturned ON.Cancel Operation can be configured by using KPG-101D.Table 25-1 Cancel Operation Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Cancel Operation (Refer to FPRG6.7.3 Conventional Tab - Cancel Operation.)• Assigning functions to the PF keys (Refer toFPRG 6.8 Key Assignment.)25.1.5 VOX Proceed ToneThe transceiver can be configured to emit the VOXProceed Tone to notify a user of the start of transmissionwhen VOX is used for transmission.VOX Proceed Tone can be configured to be enabled ordisabled by using KPG-101D.Table 25-2 VOX Proceed Tone OperationNote: The transceiver does not emit the Proceed Tone if DTMF,2-tone or FleetSync is used. The VOX Proceed Tone doesnot sound since the transceiver emits the Sidetone ifSidetone is configured for 2-tone, DTMF, or FleetSync. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the VOX Proceed Tone (Refer toFPRG 6.7.3 Conventional Tab - VOX ProceedTone.)TransmitReceiveVOX Delay TimeWith Mic inputWithout MicinputCancel Operation OperationCheck (Enable) VOX is disabled when the PTT switch ispressed.Uncheck (Disable) VOX is not disabled even if the PTTswitch is pressed.VOX Proceed Tone OperationCheck (Enable)The transceiver emits the Proceed Tonewhen the transceiver starts transmittingwith VOX.Uncheck (Disable)The transceiver does not emit theProceed Tone even if the transceiverstarts transmitting with VOX.