B2 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION—MAILBOXESInstallation Manual 259Owner FirstNameUp to 16alphabeticcharacters(None)The first 4 letters of both the first and last name is printedon the Mailbox Assignments report.The Dialing by Name feature uses the last name.Owner LastNameClass ofService No.COS No.1-62(1)Used to define the set of services available to thesubscriber.Notes• We recommend that parameters for each COSnumber be defined before assigning a Class ofService (COS) number.• COS No.63 pertains to the Message Managerwhile COS No.64 pertains to the SystemManager. These numbers cannot be entered inthe COS No. data field.CoveringExtension2-5 digits(None)Identifies the extension number that will receiveunanswered subscriber calls. The Automated AttendantService accomplishes this call transfer. The caller is giventhe option of transferring the call or leaving a message inthe subscriber’s mailbox.The Covering Extension is one of the Incomplete CallHandling Service options that can be enabled or disabledby the subscriber using the telephone keypad.NoteThe Extension Group List or Logical ExtensionNumbers cannot be assigned as covering extensions.InterviewMailboxNumber2-5 digits(None)Permits a mailbox owner to own an interview mailbox. Theinterview mailbox number must be an unassigned mailboxnumber.NoteThe replies to an interview session constitute onemessage. If the subscriber expects many interviewmessages, "Mailbox Capacity Maximum Messages"(see Table B-6 in B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION—SETTING COS (CLASS OF SERVICE)PARAMETERS) should be raised to a higher value.Possibly, the subscriber should be assigned to adifferent COS.Table B-3Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/Function