B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION—SETTING COS (CLASS OF SERVICE) PARAMETERS278 Installation ManualAuthorization forAuto Forwarding1. Yes2. No(No)If set to "Yes", the VPS automatically forwards messages thathave not been accessed for a specific length of time to anothermailbox. The sub-parameters to be set for this feature includeMailbox Number, Delay Time, and Forwarding Mode. If set to"No", sub-parameters cannot be assigned.MailboxNumber2-5 digits(None)Specifies the mailbox to which the messages will beforwarded.NoteThe numbers of the System Group Distribution List cannotbe specified as the destination.Delay Time (h) (min)00:05 to 99:59(00:30)Specifies the length of time in hours and minutes that the VPSmust wait before forwarding unretrieved messages. Themaximum delay time is 99 h, 59 min.NoteThe delay time must be less than the New MessageRetention Time, or else messages will be deleted beforebeing forwarded.ForwardingMode1. Copy2. Move(Move)Specifies if forwarded messages are to be retained in theoriginal mailbox. When set to "Copy", copies of the messagesare retained in the original mailbox after forwarding. When setto "Move", messages are forwarded to the receiving mailboxand are not retained at the original location.Table B-7Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/Function