B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION—SETTING COS (CLASS OF SERVICE) PARAMETERSInstallation Manual 273COS Nos. 63 & 64 (for Managers)Only the parameters listed below can be assigned for COS numbers 63 and 64. COS number64 cannot assign the last 4 parameters—Direct Mailbox Access, Remote Call FWD to CO,Authorization for Message Notification, and Authorization for Auto Forwarding.Delay Time (h) (min)00:05 to 99:59(00:30)Specifies the length of time in hours and minutes that theVPS must wait before forwarding unretrieved messages.The maximum delay time is 99 h, 59 min.NoteThe delay time must be less than the New MessageRetention Time, or else messages will be deletedbefore being forwarded.ForwardingMode1. Copy2. Move(Move)Specifies if forwarded messages are to be retained in theoriginal mailbox. When set to "Copy", copies of themessages are retained in the original mailbox afterforwarding. When set to "Move", messages areforwarded to the receiving mailbox and are not retainedat the original location.To access the menu for Class of Service Numbers 63 & 64 for Managers, follow themenu path as shown:System Administration Top Menu-1-2-COS No.(63-64)Table B-7Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/FunctionNew MessageRetention Time1-30 days0: Unlimited(30)Defines the number of days that an unplayed message canremain in the mailbox. The storage period begins the day afterthe message reception.Saved MessageRetention Time1-30 days0: Unlimited(30)Defines the number of days a played saved message willremain in the mailbox. The timing is "refreshed" whenever themessage is played back. If "0: Unlimited" is selected, savedmessages will remain in the mailbox until erased by themailbox owner.Table B-6Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/Function