D6 RECORDING MESSAGESInstallation Manual 379Notes• Press [2] to go to Step 7g.• Press [3] to turn off the prompt.e) Record a prompt at the tone and Press [1] to end recording.f) Press [2] to accept the recorded prompt.Notes• Press [1] to review the recorded prompt.• Press [3] to erase the recorded prompt and try again—Return to Step 7e.• Press [ ] to erase the recorded prompt and exit—Go to Step 7g.g) The VPS plays the next prompt number.h) Repeat Steps 7d to 7g to record other prompts.NoteUser prompts can be saved in a personal computer (command SAVE through the RS-232C). Once they have been saved, they can be restored (with the command LOAD) atany time. There is a complete list of modifiable prompts and prompt numbers in D9 LISTOF MODIFIABLE PROMPTS.Recording System Caller Names1. Log in the Main Menu.2. Press [5] to modify messages.3. Press [8] to modify system caller names.4. Enter the Caller ID List Number*1 (1-120) to be modified.Notes• Enter [ ] to return to Step 3.• To record system caller names, first Caller ID numbers must be assigned (see B6.6System Caller Name Announcement).5. The VPS plays the Caller ID number and its name. To change the name, Press [1]. If aname has not yet been recorded for this Caller ID number, go to Step 6.Notes• Press [2] to accept the current name—Return to Step 4.• Press [3] to erase the current name—Return to Step 4.6. Record the name at the tone and Press [1].7. The VPS plays the recorded name. Press [2] to accept it.*1 Guidance is "Caller Name Announcement number".