D9 LIST OF MODIFIABLE PROMPTS414 Installation Manual660 To delete, press 2 [612], [660], [733][612], [660], [733], [604]661 To delete, press 3 [647], [603], [661][612], [907], [661], [908]662 To deliver a broadcast message,press 1[662], [663]663 To deliver a message, press 2 [711], [663], [648], [201], [210], [212], [670][711], [663], [648], [201], [210], [670][711], [663], [652], [649], [200], [212], [670][662], [663]664 To deliver now, press only the hashsign[148], [664], [208]665 To deliver now, press only the poundsign[149], [665], [208]666 To enable call blocking, press 1To enable call screening, press 2To enable intercom paging, press 3To enable beeper access, press 4To disable all transfer service, press 5[666]667 To end recording, hang upTo cancel your message, press , ifyou have a touch tone phone[667]668 To end recording, hang up or press 1for more features[668], [702]669 To end recording, press 1 [669], [702][669][521], [669], [702]670 To end this call, press [717], [725], [670][717], [725], [734], [683], [670][720], [670][711], [663], [648], [201], [210], [212], [670][711], [663], [648], [201], [210], [670][752], [745], [652], [742], [699], [670][752], [745], [652], [699], [868], [670][711], [663], [652], [649], [200], [212], [670]671 To enter a new name or mailbox,press[602], [213], [718], [671]672 To enter another extension, press [672]673 To enter another extension, press 2 [695], [673]Table D-4PromptNo.Modifiable Prompts Linked to Prompt No. (s)