B3 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION—SETTING COS (CLASS OF SERVICE) PARAMETERS272 Installation ManualMWLNotification forUnreceivedMessage1. Yes2. No(Yes)If set to "Yes", the message waiting lamp will illuminatewhen unplayed messages remain after the subscriberhas accessed the mailbox for Subscriber Service.DeviceNotification forUnreceivedMessage1. Yes2. No(No)If set to "Yes", the VPS calls the appropriate device innumerical order until all unplayed messages arereceived.Authorization forExternal MessageDelivery1. Yes2. No(No)If set to "Yes", subscribers are able to utilize the ExternalMessage Delivery feature. The sub-parameter to be setis Prompt Mode. If set to "No", sub-parameter cannot beassigned.Prompt Mode 1. System2. User 13. User 24. Selective(User 1)When an external message is delivered, the receiver willbe greeted by the VPS in the specified language(prompt). However, if "Selective" is enabled, then thereceiver has a choice of prompts. See relatedexplanation in "Incoming Call Service Prompt" in Table5-5 in 5.3.1 Port Service Menu.NoteWhen "Selective" is enabled and the receiver uses arotary telephone, the no-entry selection is specifiedby "Prompt for Rotary Callers" in Table 5-5 in 5.3.1Port Service Menu.Authorization forAuto Forwarding1. Yes2. No(No)If set to "Yes", the VPS automatically forwards messagesthat have not been accessed for a specific length of timeto another mailbox. The sub-parameters to be set for thisfeature include Mailbox Number, Delay Time, andForwarding Mode. If set to "No", sub-parameters cannotbe assigned.MailboxNumber2-5 digits(None)Specifies the mailbox to which the messages will beforwarded.NoteThe numbers of the System Group Distribution Listcannot be specified as the destination.Table B-6Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/Function