C7 CHECKING SYSTEM USAGE (SYSTEM REPORTS)358 Installation ManualNoteWhile the System Administrator programs via a personal computer, a System Report willnot be generated. The System Report starts to be generated after the SystemAdministrator has completed programming and system prompt [<] is displayed on thepersonal computer.Clearing the ReportsThe Port Usage, Flash Memory Usage, Mailbox Usage, Fax Call, and Call Account Reportscan be cleared.1. Log in the Main Menu.2. Press [5] for the System Report Menu.3. Press [2] to clear the Flash Memory Usage Reports, [3] to clear the Port Usage Reports,[4] to clear the Mailbox Usage Reports, [6] to clear the Call Account Report, or [8] to clearthe Fax Call Report.4. Press [2] to clear the report. To clear the Mailbox Usage Reports, Go to Step 5.5. Type the mailbox number of the start of the range.NoteIf a [#] is entered in place of each digit of the mailbox numbers (e.g., # # # for 3-digitmailbox numbers), reports for all mailboxes will be cleared and the System Report Menuwill appear. In this case, Step 6 can be skipped.6. Press [1] to specify the mailbox range, and Type the mailbox number of the end of therange. Press [2] to clear all Mailbox Usage Reports.