B5 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION—SERVICE SETTINGSInstallation Manual 293KeypadAssignment0-9, , #a-o( : d, 0: cOthers: None)Any of the 15 services listed below (a-o) can be assigned tothe 0 through 9, , and # keys on the telephone keypad.Callers are able to access these services by pressing thecorresponding keys on their telephones.(a) Transfer to Mailbox—Allows the caller to leave messagesin a specific mailbox. Enter "a" followed by a mailboxnumber.(b) Transfer to Extension—Transfers the caller to a specificextension. Enter "b" followed by an extension number.(c) Operator—Connects the caller to the operator.(d) Exit—Plays the Custom Service exit prompt anddisconnects the caller. The Message Manager isresponsible for recording this prompt.(e) Previous Menu—If programmed, returns the caller to theprevious menu.(f) Custom Service—If programmed, transfers the caller toanother Custom Service.(g) Voice Mail Service—Allows the caller to access VoiceMail Service.(h) Call Transfer Service—Allows the caller to accessAutomated Attendant Service.(i) Subscriber Service—Allows the caller to accessSubscriber Service. If this option is enabled, it is stronglyrecommended that each subscriber establish apassword; this will prevent unauthorized callers fromaccidentally or intentionally accessing subscribers’mailboxes.(j) Department Dialing—Transfers the caller to theDepartment Dialing menu.(k) Dial by Name—Requests the caller to enter the first 3 or4 letters of a last name of the person they wish to reach,then transfers him to the corresponding extension.(l) Repeat Menu—Repeats the Custom Service menuprompts.(m) Main Menu—Returns the caller to the Custom Servicetop menu.(n) FAX Transfer—Allows the caller to send fax messages toan extension specified as the fax extension.(o) Transfer to Outside—Transfers the caller to a specificoutside line. Enter "o" followed by the PBX CO lineaccess code (e.g., "9") then the destination outsidetelephone number.Table B-15Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/Function