3 Teaching3.9 Other Job-editing Functions3-80155223-1CDRE-CSO-A0363.9.5 Editing Local VariablesUser variables and local variables can be used in the storage of counters, calculations, and inputsignals. The data format is the same as that of user variables. As shown in the following table, the letterL is affixed to the variable number to indicate a local variable.Local variables differ from user variables in the following four ways:• Used in One Job OnlyWith user variables it is possible to define and use one variable in multiple jobs, but localvariables are used only in the one job in which they are defined, and cannot be read fromother jobs. Accordingly, local variables do not affect other jobs, so it is possible to define avariable number (such as LB001) separately in different jobs, and use it in different waysin each of these jobs.• Able to Use Any Number of VariablesThe number is set in the JOB HEADER window. When the number is set, the area for thevalue is saved in memory.Local VariablesData Format Variable No. FunctionsByte Type LB000 toLBRange of storable values is from 0 to 255.Can store I/O status.Can perform logical operations (AND, OR, etc.).Integer Type Ll000 toLIRange of storable values is from -32768 to 32767.Double PrecisionInteger TypeLD000 toLDRange of storable values is from -2147483648 to2147483647.Real Type LR000 toLRRange of storable values is from -3.4E+38 to 3.4E+38Accuracy: 1.18E-38 < x ≤ 3.4E+38Character Type LS000 toLSMaximum storable number of characters is 16.PositionTypeRobotAxesLP000 toLPCan store position data in pulse form or in XYZ form. XYZtype variables can be used as target position data formove instructions, and as incremental values for parallelshift instructions.BaseAxesLBP000 toLBPStationAxesLEX000 toLEXLB001Local VariableLB001Local VariableJob 1 Job 2 Job 3B001User VariablesJob 1 Job 2 Job 3Local VariablesLB001User VariableLocal Variable143 of 435