3 Teaching3.2 Teaching Operation3-4155223-1CDRE-CSO-A0363.2 Teaching Operation3.2.1 The Teaching WindowTeaching is conducted in the JOB CONTENT window. The JOB CONTENT window contains thefollowing items:Line NumbersThe number of the job line is automatically displayed. Line numbers are automaticallyregenerated if lines are inserted or deleted.CursorThe cursor for manipulator control. For the FWD, BWD, and test operation, the manipulatormotion starts from the line this cursor points.Instructions, Additional Items, Comments, Etc.Instructions: These are instructions needed to process or perform anoperation. In the case of MOVE instructions, theinstruction corresponding to the interpolation type isautomatically displayed at the time position is taught.Additional items: Speed and time are set depending on the type ofinstruction. Numerical or character data is added whenneeded to the tags which set conditions.0000 NOP0001 SET B000 00002 SET B001 10003 MOVJ VJ=80.000004 MOVJ VJ=80.000005 DOUT OGH#(13) B0020006 DOUT OT#(41) ON0007 MOVL C00002 V=880.0 CV#(1) CTP=0.6620008 DOUT OT#(44) ON0009 TIMER T=3.00010 MOVL V=880.00011 MOVL V=880.00012 MOVL V=880.0JOB CONTENTJOB NAME : TEST01CONTROL GROUP : R1 TOOL : 00STEP NO. : 0003JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYLine numbersInstruction, additional items,comments, etc.CursorMOVJ VJ = 50.00Tag Numerical DataInstructionAdditional Item67 of 435