1 Introduction1.2 Programming Pendant1-14155223-1CDRE-CSO-A036 Human Interface Display AreaWhen two or more errors or messages are displayed, appears in the human interface display area.To view the list of current errors or messages, activate the human interface display area and press[SELECT]. To close the error list, press [CANCEL].When two or more errors occur, appears in the message display area. Activate the messagedisplay area and press [SELECT] to view the list of current errors.To close the error list, select “CLOSE” or press [CANCEL]. Menu AreaThe menu area is used to edit a job, manage jobs, and execute various utilities.1.2.5 Screen Descriptions DenotationThe menu displayed in the programming pendant is denoted with { }.The above menu items are denoted with {DATA}, {EDIT}, {DISPLAY}, AND {UTILITY}.The pull-down menu commands are denoted in the same manner.Turn on servo powerHELPCLOSE5 / 9Cannot load macro job at current security modeCannot insert/modify/delete for group axis detachmentCannot insert/modify/delete for axis detachmentDATA EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYDATA EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYShort CutMain Menu Turn on servo powerJOBDOUTMOVEENDVARIABLEB001IN/OUTIn OutROBOTSYSTEM INFOCFARC WELDINGA aDATA EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYJOBSELECT JOBCREATE NEW JOBMASTER JOBJOB CAPACITYDOUTMOVEEND37 of 435