8 Parameter8.3 Mode Operation Setting Parameters8-25155223-1CDRE-CSO-A036 S2C339: PLAYBACK OPERATION CONTINUATION FUNCTIONThis function is used to decide where to resume the playback on the start operation after suspendingthe playback and moving the cursor or selecting other jobs.0: Starts operation where the cursor is located in the job displayed at the moment.1: The playback continuation window appears. Select “YES” and the playback resumes where thecursor has been located when the playback suspended. If “NO” is selected, the playbackresumes where the cursor is located in the job displayed at the moment.* When this function is valid (S2C339=1), a light blue cursor is displayed at the instruction section ofstep where the playback has been stopped. When “YES” is selected, the playback resumes wherethis cursor is located.S2C339Parameter Setting Value Where the Playback Resumes0 Resumes where the cursor is located in the job displayed atthe moment.1Resumes where the cursor has been located when theplayback suspended OR where the cursor is located in thejob displayed at the moment.Suspended at step 0003 during the playback of job ADisplays job BStarts operationOn the playback operation continuation window• When “YES” selected, the playback resumes from step0003 of job A• When “NO” selected, the playback resumes from thecurrent position in job BIf a job has been edited or FWD/BWD/TEST RUN operation(s) have been executed, theplayback cannot resume where it has suspended. Also this function is invalid if thereserved start function is set valid (S2C174=0).JOB CONTENTJOB NAME : TEST4-1CONTROL GROUP : R1STEP NO : 001TOOL : 00000000010002000300040005NOPMOVJ VJ=0.78TIMER T=2.00MOVJ VJ=0.78MOVJ VJ=0.78END=> MOVJ VJ=0.78Short CutMain MenuVARIABLEB001IN/OUTIn OutROBOTCFFD/CFSETUPDISPLAY SETUPA aPAINTING PARAMETERSYSTEM INFORJOBDOUTMOVEENDJOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYNOTE313 of 435