3 Teaching3.9 Other Job-editing Functions3-87155223-1CDRE-CSO-A036 Tag SearchThis function moves the cursor to the desired tag.Operation Explanation1 Select {EDIT}, {SEARCH} and“TAG SEARCH.”The instruction list dialog box appears.2 Select desired instructiongroup.3 Select desired instruction forwhich the tag is to besearched.The tag list dialog box for selected instruction appears.4 Select the desired tag. The cursor is moved to the selected tag and the window appears.Short CutMain MenuJOB CONTENTJOB NAME : TEST01CONTROL GROUP : R100000001000200030004000500060007NOP’This job is test jobMOVJ VJ=50.00MOVJ VJ=12.50MOVL V=276TIMER T=1.00DOUT OT#(1) ONMOVL V=138TOOL : 00STEP NO. : 0003JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYIN/OUTCONTROLDEVICEMOTIONARITHSHIFTOTHERSAMEPRIORShort CutMain MenuJOB CONTENTJOB NAME : TEST01CONTROL GROUP : R100000001000200030004000500060007NOPThis job is test jobMOVJ VJ=50.00MOVJ VJ=12.50MOVL V=276TIMER T=1.00DOUT OT#(1) ONMOVL V=138tool :00step no.0003JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITYIN/OUTCONTROLDEVICEMOTIONARITHSHIFTOTHERSAMEPRIORBB[]DIOG#()OGH#()OT#()Short CutMain MenuDOUT OT#(1) ONJOB CONTENTJOB NAME : TEST01CONTROL GROUP : R100100011001200130014001500160017DOUT OT#(1) ONMOVJ VJ=100.00TIMER T=1.00MOVL V=138MOVL V=138MOVJ VJ=50.00MOVJ VJ=100.00DOUT OT#(1) ONTOOL : 00STEP NO. : 0003JOB EDIT DISPLAY UTILITY150 of 435