2 Manipulator Coordinate Systems and Operations2.2 General Operations2-3155223-1CDRE-CSO-A0362.2 General Operations Check SafetyBefore any operation of NX100, read Section 1 “Safety” of “NX100 INSTRUCTIONS” again and keepsafe around robot system or peripherals. Select Teach ModeSet the mode switch on the programming pendant to “teach”. Select Control GroupIf NX100 has several Control Groups or Coordinate Control Systems (optional function), select controlgroup first.If two or more ROBOT, BASE, STATION are registered, switch control group by pressing [SHIFT] +[ROBOT] or [SHIFT] + [EX. AXIS].After selecting a job, a control group registered in the selected job is enabled. A control groupregistered in the edit job can be switched by pressing [ROBOT] or [EX. AXIS].Check selected control group at status display area on the programming pendant. Select Coordinate SystemSelect coordinate system by pressing [COORD] button.It switches; JointCartesian (Cylindrical)ToolUser in every pressing. Check the selectedcoordinate on the status display area on the programming pendant. Select Manual SpeedSelect manual speed of operation by pressing [FAST] or [SLOW]. The selected speed is effective notonly for axis operation but [FWD] or [BWD] operation.• Every press of [FAST] switches; “INCH”“SLOW”“MED”“FAST”.• Every press of [SLOW] switches; “FAST”“MED”“SLOW”“INCH”.Check selected manual speed on the status area of Programming Pendant.In operating the manipulator manually by the programming pendant, the maximum speedof center point is limited at 250 mm/s.INCH SLW MED FSTFST MED SLW INCHNOTEFASTMANUAL SPEEDSLOWMANUAL SPEED51 of 435