8 Parameter8.5 Parameters according to Status I/O8-36155223-1CDRE-CSO-A036 S4C008 to S4C015: PARITY OF USER OUTPUT GROUPSThese parameters specify whether the output group instruction is executed with parity check (evenparity).Parity bits are set as the highest level bits of each output group. For example, if OG#01 is specifiedwith parity and DOUT OG# (1) 2 is executed, the result will be 00000010 if 2 is binary converted. Sincethere will be only one bit (odd) ON at this time, the parity bit (highest level bit) will be set to ON and10000010 (130) will be output to OG# (1).As in the case of a variable such as DOUT OG# (1) B003 parity bits are added to the contents of thevariable data. However, if the contents of the variable exceed 127, as in the case of DOUT OG# (1)128, an alarm will occur. Remains unchanged if no parity check is specified.d15 d0OG#01OG#02OG#03OG#04OG#05OG#06OG#07OG#08OG#09OG#10OG#11OG#12OG#13OG#14OG#15OG#16S4C008d15 d0OG#17OG#18OG#19OG#20OG#21OG#22OG#23OG#24OG#25OG#26OG#27OG#28OG#29OG#30OG#31OG#32S4C009d15 d0OG#33OG#34OG#35OG#36OG#37OG#38OG#39OG#40OG#41OG#42OG#43OG#44OG#45OG#46OG#47OG#48S4C010PARITY CHECK AT BIT-ON (1)PARITY CHECK AT BIT-ON (1)PARITY CHECK AT BIT-ON (1)324 of 435