106 CHAPTER 4: D ISCOVERING THE NETWORKScheduledDiscoveriesYou can instruct 3Com Network Director to perform scheduledrediscoveries of your network. Note that you can only schedule arediscovery, you cannot schedule your first discovery on an empty map.A scheduled discovery is always a repeating task. In other words once youhave setup your schedule it will be performed indefinitely at the specifiedtimes. You can, however, subsequently cancel or modify the schedule ifyou wish.When you schedule a discovery from the Network Discovery wizard youare instructing 3Com Network Director to do two things – to do adiscovery (with the parameters specified in the wizard) immediately whenyou exit the wizard, and also to perform subsequent rediscoveriesaccording to your specified schedule.You can configure a single, application-wide setting for ScheduledDiscovery. This setting is global, and applies to any open map, no matterhow the map was initially discovered. Also, the setting applies to thewhole of the currently open map, you cannot specify a scheduledrediscovery of selected subnets. See “Scheduled Discovery Pane” onpage 124.Components The following section describes the features of the discovery tool andhow you can use them to tailor the discovery process to your needs. Itincludes the dialogs and wizards that you can use to control thediscovery, and any appropriate reports that may be generated as a resultof a discovery operation.You cannot launch the Network Discovery wizard while an existingdiscovery operation is in progress. Instead, 3Com Network Director willsimply display the Progress dialog box for that discovery.Launching adiscoveryThis section describes how your instruct 3Com Network Director to startthe discovery process. You can initiate network discovery from a numberof places:■ The Welcome dialog box■ File > New menu option■ Tools > Network Discovery menu option with nothing selected