840 APPENDIX A: SUPPORTED DEVICESimmediately following a Device Restore or Setup operation on thesedevices.5 In order to prevent loss of communication between Network Director andthe target device, the Device Restore operation will not change the IPaddress, subnet mask or default gateway being used by the device priorto the operation being started.6 Switch 1100/3300 - The Device Restore operation may be unable to findthe list of associated backups for the target device, if the target device ismade up of two different Switch 1100/3300 units, and one of the unitshas been replaced since the device was last backed up. If this situationoccurs, please contact 3Com Customer Support.7 Switch 4400 and Switch 4005 - The progress bar for the Device Restoreand Device Setup operations on the Switch 4400 and Switch 4005devices, represent how far through the file transfer process the operationis at any time. This progress bar will read 100% once the chosen backupfile has been completely transferred to the target device.However, both the Switch 4400 and Switch 4005 devices require someadditional time following the transfer of the file for the configuration tobe applied. The time required by these devices may range from oneminute to one hour, depending upon the size and complexity of thetarget device and the configuration being applied. A typical device andconfiguration is expected to require less than five minutes.The Device Restore and Setup operations will wait for the devices to applythe configuration changes, but this will not be reflected by the progressbar. Subsequently, the system may look to have been suspended for sometime, when it is simply waiting for the target device to complete itsconfiguration changes. Therefore, please allow these operations time tocomplete, and do not cancel them unless required.8 If the Device Backup and Restore operations detect that the target devicehas changed since it was last discovered, they will suggest that the map isrediscovered to ensure that it is up-to-date. However, if these operationscontinue to display this message for the same device(s), afterrediscovering the network map, then you should rediscover the networkmap again, but from a new (empty) map.9 Switch 4400 - The Device Restore and Setup operations do not take theposition of any cascade modules into consideration when determiningwhether or not a backup can be applied to a target device. However,Switch 4400 devices will reject an attempt to restore their configuration,if they contain a cascade module that is in a different slot from when the