Components 765Figure 423 No NBX Call Processor is Associated With the Selected PhoneUnderstandingVoice-related 3ComNetwork DirectorEvents3Com Network Director notifies you of network problems that mightaffect the voice system by logging events in the events system.The main events that might be generated are:■ Events related to the NBX Call Processor■ Events related to phones■ Events related to other links or devices on the network.To view the list of events that have been logged, select the Alerts/Events >View All Events menu option.Events related to the NBX Call ProcessorThe NBX Call Processor is the most important part of the voice networkbecause it handles all incoming and outgoing phones calls.This is why when the NBX Call Processor becomes unavailable, a PhoneNetwork Down event will be logged with a severity of Critical.Details shown for this event will include information such as:■ Which NBX Call Processor caused this condition.■ Which devices are affected by this condition.This event resolves when the NBX Call Processor becomes available again.If the HTTP service becomes unavailable on the NBX Call Processor, anevent will be generated, with a severity of Warning. This event is not assevere because phone calls can still be made and received while the HTTPservice is down.