706 CHAPTER 17: USING 3COM NETWORK DIRECTOR ON A MULTI-S ITE NETWORKcase of the SNMP traps only mode, removes the polls entirely), but at thecost of the detail of the monitoring information.For example, full monitoring of a complex device may involve retrievingstate for several hundred monitors during every poll. By changing toresponse monitoring mode you will reduce the number of monitors thatstate is retrieved for to one (the IP Ping Service monitor), vastly reducingthe amount of traffic generated by the monitoring of that device.However, 3Com Network Director will no longer be able to monitor linksusing that device, will not be able to show you the state of, or generateevents based upon, any monitor other than the IP Ping Service monitoron that device and will only be able to show response times in anyhistorical reports generated for the device.Details of how to configure the monitoring modes used across yournetwork are provided in “Controlling Monitoring Type and Polling Rates”on page 296.Disable individual monitors. If you are monitoring a device in fullmonitoring mode and there are one or more monitors that you are notinterested in then you can disable those monitors. Doing so will stop3Com Network Director from retrieving the data for those monitors andso will reduce the amount of traffic generated across the WAN link byeach poll for that device, but at the cost of the detail of the monitoringinformation.For example, if you are not interested in the errors on an Ethernet linkbetween two devices located at the same remote site then you candisable the Ethernet Link Error Rate monitor, which will reduce theamount of traffic generated by the monitoring of that link. However,3Com Network Director will no longer be able to show you the state of,or generate events based upon, the Ethernet Link Error Rate monitor onthat link, and will not be able to show errors in any historical reportsgenerated for the link.Details of how to disable individual monitors are provided in “Disablingand Enabling Individual Monitors” on page 294.Determining Monitoring Modes and Poll RatesBy default 3Com Network Director will apply the automatic monitoringmode to your whole map. This monitoring mode automatically selectsthe devices that 3Com Network Director considers to be the mostimportant in your network and uses full monitoring for those devices and