386 CHAPTER 9: P ERFORMANCE REPORTINGData resolutions 3Com Network Director maximizes the usefulness of collected data bysupporting a number of resolutions for logged data. For example, dataover the past two weeks is stored at a high resolution, which allows youto precisely pinpoint recent network incidents. In contrast, data is alsostored at a low resolution, for up to two years, so you can see emergingtrends in usage over time.The monitor poll rates will usually be shorter than the resolutions used by3Com Network Director for logging data. In order to cope with this 3ComNetwork Director aggregates the data from multiple monitor polls into asingle logged data record. This consolidation of data can average-outshort-term spikes that were seen in the monitored data.Reporting 3Com Network Director presents long-term data in the form of historicalHTML reports that display data collected over time in graphs, allowingyou to analyze trends in your network and identify problems. Historicalreports on links can show utilization changing over long periods of time,and allow you to predict and assess demand for more bandwidth.ComponentsHistorical report The historical report can be accessed in any one of three ways:■ select a single device or link in the map, and from the right-clickmenu, select Historical Report.■ select a single device or link in the map, and from the main window’sMonitoring menu, select Historical Report.■ launch the More Detail dialog box for a monitor-based event in theevent browser, select the Graph tab and click the Historical Reporthot-link below the graph.