Components 175connection is based upon the map item connected to the end nearest thehalf that the mouse is held over. The following table describes theinformation displayed:Table 24 Tooltip DisplaysMap Item Labels and Address TranslationThe View > Labels menu allows you to select the type of label to displayfor map items. The label selected affects the display of all map items inboth the map and the tree, and also affects the display of tooltips for allmap items. The sources that 3Com Network Director uses to obtain eachlabel for a particular map item are described in the following table:Table 25 Label Source DisplaysMap Item Information DisplayedDevice The current label of the device, as specified by View > Labels. Formore information about device labels see “Map Item Labels andAddress Translation” on page 175.Physical Link Details of the map item connected to the half of the link you areholding the mouse pointer over, including:■ The current label of the map item, as specified by View >Labels.■ The unit and port or ifIndex of the interface that the link isconnected to on the map item, if applicable.■ The duplex mode of the interface that the link is connected toon the map item, if applicable.■ The resilience mode of the interface that the link is connectedto on the map item, if applicable.■ The spanning tree mode of the interface that the link isconnected to on the map item, if applicable.Layer-3ConnectionThe IP address and subnet mask of the IP interface that the routeror layer-3 device at one end of the link has on the subnet at theother end of the link.In addition, when you hold the mouse pointer over the half of thelink nearest to the router or layer-3 switch the unit and port orifIndex that the IP interface is configured on are displayed.Cloud The current label of the cloud, as specified by View > Labels.Subnet The current label of the subnet, as specified by View > Labels.Device Group The name of the device group.