Components 117# Subnet Import File## Address Mask Range Start Range End10.0.0.0 the file that you select is correctly formatted and contains valid subnetinformation then all subnets listed in the selected file will be added to thesubnets list.If your file contains any errors, 3Com Network Director will display thefirst error it finds, and then reject the whole file: no subnets will be addedto the subnets list. You should correct any errors and re-import the file.Each subnet can only appear in the subnets list once. If your file containsany subnets that duplicate subnets already present in the subnets list, theranges of the duplicates will be merged.If your file contains any subnets that overlap with subnets already presentin the subnets list then those subnets will not be imported and a list ofrejected subnets will be displayed. Similarly, if you file contains two ormore subnets that overlap with each other but that do not overlap withsubnets already present in the subnets list then only the first of thesesubnets will be imported and the remainder will be rejected.Monitor Core Devices and Links PaneThe next step of the wizard allows you to configure how devices will bemonitored for stress when the discovery process is complete and the maphas been updated with any new devices.There are two versions of this dialog, depending upon which options areselected within the Monitoring tab of the Tools > Options dialog box. Bydefault 3Com Network Director is configured to use an automaticmonitoring mode in which 3Com Network Director itself determines themost sensible manner in which to monitor the devices in your network.When 3Com Network Director is operating in this mode the MonitorCore Devices and Links pane is displayed as follows: