Components 639For each device that the wizard cannot support due to licensing reasons,the report lists:■ Device name■ Device type■ IP addressNetwork Prioritization ReportThe Prioritize Network Traffic Wizard automatically generates a NetworkPrioritization report after it has completed the configuration of yournetwork for traffic prioritization. The Network Prioritization report detailsthe following:■ The servers whose traffic has been prioritized.■ The applications whose traffic has been prioritized.■ The servers whose traffic the network has been configured to block.■ The list of applications whose traffic the network has been configuredto block.■ The devices in the network that were successfully configured.■ The devices in the network that the wizard failed to configure. 3ComNetwork Director reports a reason for each failure.■ Detailed information about the configuration applied to the devices,including any restrictions as to what the devices will do in terms ofprioritization and blocking.Prioritization Configuration ReportIf you wish to view the details of the configurations in terms of classifiers,queuing, dropping and marking, run the Prioritization Configurationreport. This report can be run from the Reports dialog box, which can belaunched by selecting Tools > Reports.For each device that the report is run against, the PrioritizationConfiguration report lists:■ The classifiers that are in use on each port■ The service levels that the classifiers map to■ The details of each classifier that is currently in use on the device■ The details of each service level that is currently in use on the device