Examples 6756 Click Next to display the Summary step and check that the details are allcorrect before clicking Finish to start the operation.7 View the scheduled tasks list to ensure the new task is present by clickingTools > Scheduled Tasks.8 Leave the application running and next morning, check that there is aSummary dialog box indicating that the Agent Update operation wassuccessful.9 Leave the View report checkbox checked and click OK to view the report.Once it appears, check that all entries in the report indicate that all of theSwitch 4400s were successfully upgraded to the new agent version.Detecting andDowngrading aProblem DeviceThere is a problem device on the network. You want to see if anythinghas changed recently and, if so, undo the changes. To do this:1 Launch the Reports dialog box by selecting the Tools > Reports menu.2 From the Report Types list box, select the Device History report and thenclick Generate Report to generate and launch the report.3 You read the report and notice that the device in question was recentlyupgraded to a beta version.4 Return to the application, select the device and launch the Agent UpdateWizard from the Tools > Agent Update menu.5 Click Next to accept the default choices in the wizard.6 Check that the selected device is in the list by default and that theCurrent version is the beta version seen in the Device History report andthe New version is the latest available release version.7 Click Next to display the Summary step and click Finish to start thedowngrade of the device.