876 Appendix E: REPORT E XAMPLESWeb traffic redirection is enabled but there is a problemwith the Webcache. The health check has failed andredirection is not being performed. Please consult yourWebcache user guide.Unable to Configure Webcache Redirection (1) The redirectionstatus on the switch could not be determined or an error that preventsWebcache Redirection from being enabled has occurred. For example,the community strings have been changed on the switch and 3ComNetwork Director can no longer write to the device. This will result in thefollowing response being returned to the client browser:Unable to configure Webcache redirection. There was a problemcommunicating with the device. Click the back button toreturn to the Misconfigurations and Optimizations Report.Unable to Configure Webcache Redirection (2) An internalproblem with the 3Com Network Director database has occurred whichprevents the configuration data being extracted. This will result in thefollowing response being returned to the client browser:Unable to configure Webcache redirection. 3Com NetworkDirector was unable to locate the device in its internaldatabase. This device may have been removed. Pleaserediscover your network.Unable to Configure Webcache Mode There was an error whilsttrying to write the new cache proxy mode to the Webcache. This willresult in the following response being returned to the client browser:There was an error whilst changing the Webcache proxy mode.Click the back button to return to the Misconfigurations andOptimizations Report.Unable to Confirm Webcache Mode Changed Changing theWebcache mode is an almost instantaneous operation, if after threesuccessive polls the mode has not changed to ëtransparentí the followingresponse is returned to the client browser:Unable to verify that the Webcache mode was changed. Clickthe back button to return to the Misconfigurations andOptimizations report.Unable to Determine Traffic Server Status Prior to performing thenecessary restart of the Webcache Traffic Server, the value of thewebCacheRestartTrafficServer MIB object must be read to determine