62 CHAPTER 3: MAIN W INDOWKey Concepts This section describes some 3Com Network Director key concepts relatingto the main window.Map Files 3Com Network Director stores device and topology information in mapfiles. Map files have the file extension.map.Only one map file may be open at any one time. Opening a new map filewill close the current map file.Two other types of files are saved alongside map files. These files use thesame name as the map file but have Events.edb and .properties fileextensions. These files are used internally by 3Com Network Director.While the presence of these files is not required to successfully load amap file, previously logged event information will not be available if theformer is not present and some user-defined options may not be set if thelatter is not present.Two other types of files are saved alongside map files. These files use thesame name as the map file but have Events.mdb and.properties fileextensions. These files are used internally by 3Com Network Director.Although the presence of these files is not required to successfully load amap file, previously logged event information will not be available if theformer is not present and some user-defined options may not be set if thelatter is not present.