Key Considerations 775The phone cannot be reachedIf the phone should be on the network but is unconnected, this meansthat none of the network nodes on the network (routers, switches, orhubs) saw the physical address (the MAC address) of the phone. This inturn means that the phone is unreachable, possibly due to beingdisconnected, or having a broken link. To check this:1 Make sure that the phones can be reached.2 Check that the phones are correctly connected and the links are up.3 Re-discover the network, using the Tool > Network Discovery menuoption.The phones should now be connected on the 3Com Network Directormap.The network device the phone is connected to has not beendiscoveredIf the network device that the phone is connected to has not beendiscovered by 3Com Network Director then it will not be possible toconnect the phone to the rest of the topology. If this is the case then youmay resolve this by taking the following steps:1 Determine the IP address of the network device that the phone isconnected to.2 Launch the Network Discovery wizard using the Tools > NetworkDiscovery menu option.3 In the Discovery Type stage, select Specify subnets and click Next.4 In the Specify Subnets stage, add the subnets that contains the networkdevice that the phone is connected to, restricting the ranges to just the IPaddress of the network device if desired.5 Complete the network discovery.After the network device has been discovered it should be added to themap and the phone connected to it.Why are some phones on the map showing the user name, whileothers show the extension number?By default, the label for a phone is the phone user name, in the formatfirst name and last name. However, in some cases the phone user name isnot set and shows the default values: New for the first name and User forthe last name.