678 CHAPTER 16: UPGRADING DEVICE SOFTWAREOnce you are certain that the device is not responding you shouldphysically inspect the device to ensure that all units or modules areoperational. It can take several minutes for all of the units or modules in adevice to return to an operational state following an update of the agentsoftware. Therefore:■ If the device appears to be in an operational state, try to log in to thedevice using a connection to the console port and check that thedevice has appropriate network interface settings.■ If the device appears to be in a non-operational state, then it could bethat the transfer of the agent file to the device during the AgentUpdate operation was interrupted. In this case, most 3Com deviceswill try to download the agent image from your management stationindefinitely. However, 3Com Network Director will not accept TFTPrequests once the Agent Update operation has completed.To recover from this situation you can either use the serial updateutility as detailed in the release notes for your device or you can run astandalone TFTP server on your management station that will servicethe device requests.Repeated Timeouts If your attempts to upgrade a device repeatedly fail and the AgentUpdate Summary report indicates that the failure is due to a devicetimeout or ‘TFTP not reachable’ error, then you may need to increase thetimeout and retry values for the 3Com Network Director internal TFTPserver.You can alter the timeout and retry values for the internal TFTP server byediting the following file: LOCATION>\ext\com\coms\wsd\tnsext\agentupdate\AUProperties.XMLThe default location of 3Com Network Director is:C:\Program Files\3Com\Network Director3Com recommends that you alter the timeout and retry values in smallincrements, since large changes to these values can result in adverseperformance of the Agent Update operation.