562 CHAPTER 13: V LAN M ANAGEMENTAn alternative approach is to highlight the VLAN in the map. This willprovide you with a graphical picture of the switches on which the VLAN isconfigured. To do this:1 Launch the Options dialog box from the Tools > Options menu optionand select the VLANs tab.2 Select the Include only configured devices radio button if it is not alreadyselected. This ensures that only switches on which the VLAN is configuredwill be highlighted in the map.3 Launch the Show VLANs tool from the Tools > Show VLANs menu option.4 Select the VLAN that you want to view the switches for within the VLAN:drop-down menu.Any switches in the map that the VLAN is not configured on will begreyed out.Having located the switches that the VLAN is configured on you canlaunch the Properties dialog and select the VLANs tab. From here you canview per-device information about the VLAN, such as which ports it isconfigured on as tagged or untagged.Reporting the VLAN configuration of all switches on the networkIf you wish to generate a report detailing the VLAN configuration of allthe switches on your network, you can launch the VLAN Configurationreport. See “VLAN configuration report” on page 533 for details.Moving a port to another VLANThis section describes how you would move a port from one VLAN toanother. For example, you wish to move an end-station port from thedefault VLAN, ID 1, to another VLAN, called accounts with ID 2. If thisport is currently connected to an end-station, you would first select thelink to the end-station on the map and then launch the Edit VLANswizard. See “Edit Port VLAN Membership wizard” on page 552.