638 CHAPTER 15: P RIORITIZING NETWORK TRAFFICMore information on how to determine the appropriate field values isavailable in “Determining Field Values for Applications” on page 654.Finish Step and ProgressChanges to your network traffic prioritization configuration are notapplied to your network until you select Finish on the ConfigurationSummary screen. After selecting Finish, the Prioritize Network TrafficWizard configures each of the supported 3Com devices in the map toprioritize network traffic according to your selected configuration. Duringthe configuration of the devices, the Configuring Prioritization dialog isshown to indicate the progress.You can cancel the configuration at any time. If you do cancel, the wizardwill complete the configuration of the devices it was in the process ofconfiguring before aborting. However, the configuration may then resultin an inconsistent configuration across your network and so traffic maynot receive end-to-end traffic prioritization. As a result, it isrecommended that you do not cancel the configuration once it hasstarted.Prioritization Reports The following reports are produced through the traffic prioritizationfeature:Agent Upgrades Required for Prioritization reportThe Prioritize Network Traffic Wizard analyzes the details of your map todetermine what devices the wizard can configure. If devices cannot besupported for either agent version or licensing reasons, it will inform youof this problem and subsequently generate an Agent Upgrades Requiredfor Prioritization report.For each device that the wizard cannot support due to its agent version,the report lists the following details:■ Device name■ Device type■ IP address■ The agent version that the device is currently running■ The minimum agent version that the device must be running for thewizard to configure traffic prioritization.