126 CHAPTER 4: D ISCOVERING THE NETWORKAt … Select this option to schedule a discovery for a specific time eachday. Alternatively it allows you to specify it to run on specific day of theweek or on every week day (i.e. Monday to Friday)Discovery Global Defaults The Discovery Global Defaults paneprovides defaults for use in the Network Discovery wizard, DiscoveryOptions pane. Choose the type of Discovery you want to schedule.See “Discovery Options Pane” on page 122 for a full explanation of theoptions available here.Upon exiting this dialog box and returning to the wizard, when youcomplete the rest of wizard the discovery will start immediately using theoptions you chose throughout the wizard. Any scheduled discoveries thatyou specified here will be performed on the subnets that exist in the mapat the time the scheduled discovery is started. The options associatedwith those subnets, such as IP ranges, timeouts etc. will be used again.When a scheduled discovery is started, the Discovery Progress dialog boxis shown in its minimized state. See “The Network Discovery ProgressDialog Box” on page 128 for more detail.Once a discovery has been scheduled an entry for it will appear in theScheduled Tasks dialog box. This shows the time that the next discoverywill take place and the repeat frequency.Scheduled discoveries are always repeat tasks – you cannot schedule aone-off discovery.When the time comes for the scheduled discovery to be started, if aconflicting task (e.g. another discovery) is already running the scheduledtask will be queued until the currently running task completes. If a secondscheduled discovery is due to be started while the first scheduleddiscovery is still in the queue, the second discovery is discarded.Summary PaneThis is the final pane of the wizard. It summarizes the options youselected throughout the course of the wizard.