108 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSWarning (Continued)such as coins, keys, rings, paperclips, or cards, between thesmartphone and charging pad willbecome very hot. On the rareoccasion that the charging systemdoes not detect an object, and theobject gets wedged between thesmartphone and charger, removethe smartphone and allow theobject to cool before removing itfrom the charging pad, to preventburns.To charge a compatible smartphone:1. Remove all objects from thecharging pad. The system maynot charge if there are anyobjects between the smartphoneand charging pad.2. Place the smartphone face up onthe @ symbol on the chargingpad and align it to the left wallof the charging bin.To maximize the charge rate,ensure the smartphone is fullyseated and centered in the binwith nothing under it. A thicksmartphone case may preventthe wireless charger fromworking, or may reduce thecharging performance. See yourdealer for additional information.3. A green } next to V willappear on the infotainmentdisplay. This indicates that thesmartphone is properlypositioned and charging. If }turns yellow, ensure that thecharging pad is clear of anyobjects and that the smartphoneis capable of wireless chargingbefore repositioning it. If }does not illuminate, thesmartphone may need to berepositioned.The smartphone may becomewarm during charging. This isnormal. In warmer temperatures,the speed of charging may bereduced.Software AcknowledgementsCertain Wireless Charging Moduleproduct from LG Electronics, Inc.("LGE") contains the open sourcesoftware detailed below. Refer to theindicated open source licenses (as areincluded following this notice) for theterms and conditions of their use.OSS Notice InformationTo obtain the source code that iscontained in this product, please visithttp://opensource.lge.com. In additionto the source code, all referred licenseterms, warranty disclaimers andcopyright notices are available fordownload. LG Electronics will alsoprovide open source code to you on