180 DRIVING AND OPERATING{ WarningDo not load the vehicle anyheavier than the Gross VehicleWeight Rating (GVWR),or either the maximum front orrear Gross Axle Weight Rating(GAWR). This can causesystems to break and changethe way the vehicle handles.This could cause loss of controland a crash. Overloading canalso reduce stopping distance,damage the tires, and shortenthe life of the vehicle.Tire and Loading InformationLabelLabel ExampleA vehicle-specific Tire andLoading Information label isattached to the vehicle's centerpillar (B-pillar). The Tire andLoading Information label showsthe number of occupant seatingpositions (1), and the maximumvehicle capacity weight (2) inkilograms and pounds.The Tire and Loading Informationlabel also shows the tire size ofthe original equipment tires (3)and the recommended cold tireinflation pressures (4). For moreinformation on tires and inflationsee Tires 0 315 andTire Pressure 0 322.There is also important loadinginformation on the Certificationlabel. It may show the GrossVehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)and the Gross Axle Weight Rating(GAWR) for the front and rearaxle. See “Certification Label” laterin this section.“Steps for Determining CorrectLoad Limit–1. Locate the statement "Thecombined weight ofoccupants and cargo shouldnever exceed XXX kg orXXX lbs." on your vehicle’splacard.2. Determine the combinedweight of the driver andpassengers that will be ridingin your vehicle.