88 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSH : Seating positions with two loweranchors.To assist in locating the loweranchors, each seating position withlower anchors has two labels, near thecrease between the seatback and theseat cushion.To assist in locating the top tetheranchors, the top tether anchor symbolis on the cover.The lower anchors are located in thecrease between the seatback and seatcushion.The top tether anchors are behind therear seat, on the filler panel. Open thecovers to access the anchors. Be sureto use an anchor located directlybehind the seating position where thechild restraint will be placed.Do not secure a child restraint in aposition without a top tether anchor ifa national or local law requires thatthe top tether be attached, or if theinstructions that come with the childrestraint say that the top tether mustbe attached.According to accident statistics,children and infants are safer whenproperly restrained in a child restraintsystem or infant restraint systemsecured in a rear seating position. SeeWhere to Put the Restraint 0 83 foradditional information.