86 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSRecommended Methods for Attaching Child RestraintsRestraint Type Combined Weightof the Child +Child RestraintUse Only Approved Attachment Methods Shown with an XLATCH – LowerAnchors OnlySeat Belt Only LATCH – LowerAnchors and TopTether AnchorSeat Belt and TopTether AnchorRear-Facing ChildRestraintUp to29.5 kg (65 lb)X XRear-Facing ChildRestraintGreater than29.5 kg (65 lb)XForward-FacingChild RestraintUp to29.5 kg (65 lb)X XForward-FacingChild RestraintGreater than29.5 kg (65 lb)XSee Securing Child Restraints (With theSeat Belt in the Rear Seat) 0 92 orSecuring Child Restraints (With the SeatBelt in the Front Seat) 0 94.Child restraints built after March 2014will be labeled with the specific childweight up to which the LATCH systemcan be used to install the restraint.The following explains how to attacha child restraint with theseattachments in the vehicle.Not all vehicle seating positions orchild restraints have lower anchorsand attachments or top tetheranchors and attachments. In this case,the seat belt must be used (with toptether where available) to secure thechild restraint. See Securing ChildRestraints (With the Seat Belt in theRear Seat) 0 92 orSecuring Child Restraints (With the SeatBelt in the Front Seat) 0 94.