CUSTOMER INFORMATION 383Courtesy Rental VehicleFor an overnight warranty repair, thedealer may provide an availablecourtesy rental vehicle or provide forreimbursement of a rental vehicle.Reimbursement is limited and mustbe supported by original receipts aswell as a signed and completed rentalagreement and meet state/provincial,local, and rental vehicle providerrequirements. Requirements vary andmay include minimum agerequirements, insurance coverage,credit card, etc. Additional fees suchas fuel, rental vehicle insurance, taxes,levies, usage fees, excessive mileage,or rental usage beyond the completionof the repair are also yourresponsibility.It may not be possible to provide alike vehicle as a courtesy rental.Additional Program InformationAll program options, such as shuttleservice, may not be available at everydealer. Contact your dealer for specificavailability.General Motors reserves the right tounilaterally modify, change,or discontinue CourtesyTransportation at any time and toresolve all questions of claimeligibility pursuant to the terms andconditions described herein at its solediscretion.Collision Damage RepairIf the vehicle is involved in a collisionand it is damaged, have the damagerepaired by a qualified technicianusing the proper equipment andquality replacement parts. Poorlyperformed collision repairs diminishthe vehicle resale value, and safetyperformance can be compromised insubsequent collisions.Collision PartsGenuine GM Collision parts are newparts made with the same materialsand construction methods as the partswith which the vehicle was originallybuilt. Genuine GM Collision parts arethe best choice to ensure that thevehicle's designed appearance,durability, and safety are preserved.The use of Genuine GM parts can helpmaintain the GM New Vehicle LimitedWarranty.Recycled original equipment partsmay also be used for repair. Theseparts are typically removed fromvehicles that were total losses in priorcrashes. In most cases, the parts beingrecycled are from undamaged sectionsof the vehicle. A recycled originalequipment GM part may be anacceptable choice to maintain thevehicle's originally designedappearance and safety performance;however, the history of these parts isnot known. Such parts are not coveredby the GM New Vehicle LimitedWarranty, and any related failures arenot covered by that warranty.Aftermarket collision parts are alsoavailable. These are made bycompanies other than GM and maynot have been tested for the vehicle.As a result, these parts may fit poorly,exhibit premature durability/corrosionproblems, and may not performproperly in subsequent collisions.Aftermarket parts are not covered bythe GM New Vehicle Limited