224 DRIVING AND OPERATINGSteering Manually and ChangingLanesThe vehicle can always be manuallysteered, even with Super Cruiseengaged; for example, when changinglanes.When the steering wheel is movedmanually, the steering wheel light barpulses blue and ^ on the instrumentcluster turns blue to indicate SuperCruise is not steering the vehicle.When ready to allow Super Cruise toresume steering again, position thevehicle in the center of the lane, holdthe steering wheel until the steeringwheel light bar turns green, and thenrelease the steering wheel when it issafe to do so.Super Cruise does not respond tovehicles in other lanes near yourvehicle.{ WarningTo help prevent crashes beforemaking a lane change:. Always check mirrors.. Glance over your shoulder.. Use the turn signals.Take Over Alert{ WarningSuper Cruise will not maintain thevehicle’s speed while the steeringwheel light bar is flashing red.If the steering wheel light barflashes red, immediately resumemanual steering to prevent seriousinjury or death. If you do notresume manual steering, the vehiclewill begin to slow in the same laneand eventually come to a completestop on the freeway.Any time the steering wheel light barflashes red, resume manual steeringimmediately. The instrument clusterlight ^, will also turn red and amessage will display in the DriverInformation Center (DIC). In addition,beeps will sound, or the Safety AlertSeat will vibrate. See “Collision/Detection Systems” under VehiclePersonalization 0 140. After you beginsteering manually, then Super Cruisewill disengage.The red flashing steering wheel lightbar could occur under any of thefollowing conditions:. Lane markings are poor,or visibility is limited.. The Driver Attention System(DAS) does not detect that thedriver's head and eyes are directedtoward the freeway.. ACC is canceled.. The vehicle is on a tight curve,or the lanes are too wide, or thevehicle goes into a curve too fast.. The freeway ends.