90 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSCautionDo not let the LATCH attachmentsrub against the vehicle’s seat belts.This may damage these parts.If necessary, move buckled seatbelts to avoid rubbing the LATCHattachments.If you need to secure more than onechild restraint in the rear seat, seeWhere to Put the Restraint 0 83.1. Attach and tighten the lowerattachments to the loweranchors. If the child restraintdoes not have lower attachmentsor the desired seating positiondoes not have lower anchors,secure the child restraint withthe top tether and the seat belt.Refer to the child restraintmanufacturer instructions andthe instructions in this manual.1.1. Find the lower anchors forthe desired seatingposition.1.2. Put the child restraint onthe seat.1.3. Attach and tighten thelower attachments on thechild restraint to the loweranchors.2. If the child restraintmanufacturer recommends thatthe top tether be attached, attachand tighten the top tether to thetop tether anchor, if equipped.Refer to the child restraintinstructions and the followingsteps:2.1. Find the top tether anchor.2.2. Open the top tether anchorcover to expose the anchor.2.3. Route, attach, and tightenthe top tether according toyour child restraintinstructions and thefollowing instructions:If the position you areusing does not have aheadrest or head restraintand you are using a singletether, route the tetherover the seatback.If the position you areusing does not have aheadrest or head restraint