266 DRIVING AND OPERATINGEngine Cooling when TrailerTowingThe cooling system may temporarilyoverheat during severe operatingconditions. See Engine Overheating0 288.Trailer TowingCautionTowing a trailer improperly candamage the vehicle and result incostly repairs not covered by thevehicle warranty. To tow a trailercorrectly, follow the directions inthis section and see your dealer forimportant information abouttowing a trailer with the vehicle.Trailer Weight{ WarningNever exceed the towing capacityfor your vehicle.Safe trailering requires monitoring theweight, speed, altitude, road grades,outside temperature, dimensions ofthe front of the trailer, and howfrequently the vehicle is used to tow atrailer.{ WarningYou and others could be seriouslyinjured or killed if the trailer is tooheavy or the trailer brakes areinadequate for the load. The vehiclemay be damaged, and the repairswould not be covered by the vehiclewarranty.Only tow a trailer if all the steps inthis section have been followed. Askyour dealer for advice andinformation about towing a trailer.Gross Vehicle WeightRating (GVWR)For information about the vehicle'smaximum load capacity, see VehicleLoad Limits 0 179. When calculatingthe GVWR with a trailer attached, thetrailer tongue weight must beincluded as part of the weight thevehicle is carrying.Maximum Trailer WeightThe trailer should never weigh morethan 408 kg (900 lb) for Platinumvehicles with the 4.2L V8 engine, or454 kg (1,000 lb) for all other models.The maximum allowable weight of thetrailer may be lower based on theweight of the passengers and cargo inyour trailer.Trailer Load BalanceThe correct trailer load balance mustbe maintained to ensure trailerstability. Incorrect load balance is aleading cause of trailer sway.