DRIVING AND OPERATING 233Map UpdatesSuper Cruise map information mustbe periodically updated at least onceevery seven months to determinewhether Super Cruise is available oncertain roads. Turn on the vehicle’sbuilt-in Wi-Fi hotspot to receiveautomatic updates via OnStar, or seeyour dealer. See the followingregion-based websites for Super Cruisemap open source compliancedocumentation, including the licenseinformation:Disabling the vehicle's Wi-Fi orLocation Services will disableautomatic map updates. Super Cruisewill stop functioning after sevenmonths or less, depending on the timeof the last map update.North America: http://www.oss.gm.com/GMNA/7E2/supercruiseChina: http://www.oss.gm.com/china/7E2/supercruiseData DownloadSuper Cruise uses the Wi-Fi hotspot inthe vehicle to download map updatesand GPS enhancement data to thevehicle. If a mobile device with itsown Wi-Fi hotspot is brought into thevehicle and its Service Set Identifier(SSID) and password are the same asthe OnStar Wi-Fi hotspot, then thevehicle may connect to the mobiledevice’s Wi-Fi hotspot to downloadthe data. See Connections 0 398.To prevent usage of a mobile devicedata plan, do one of the following:. Do not use the same SSID andpassword for the OnStar Wi-Fihotspot and a mobile device.. Disable the personal mobile deviceWi-Fi hotspot when inside thevehicle.If the vehicle is equipped with OnStarand has an active service plan,additional data may be collectedthrough the OnStar system. Thisincludes information about: thevehicle’s operation; a crash involvingthe vehicle; the use of the vehicle andits features; and, in certain situations,the location and approximate GPSspeed of the vehicle. Refer to theOnStar Terms and Conditions andPrivacy Statement on the OnStarwebsite.Location ServicesThis setting enables or disablessharing of vehicle location outside thevehicle for certain purposes. Even ifthe Location Services setting isdisabled, vehicle location informationwill continue to be shared foremergency services and Super Cruise,if equipped.System CareThe camera on the steering columnhas a lens cover that may becomedirty over time and affect cameraperformance. Clean the lens coverwith a soft cloth sprayed with glasscleaner. Wipe the lens gently, then dryit. Never use abrasive cloths/cleanersor corrosive chemicals of any kind onthe lens cover.