14 KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWSProgramming Transmitters tothe VehicleOnly RKE transmitters programmed tothe vehicle will work. If a transmitteris lost or stolen, a replacement can bepurchased and programmed throughyour dealer. The vehicle can bereprogrammed so that lost or stolentransmitters no longer work. Eachvehicle can have up to eighttransmitters matched to it.Programming with RecognizedTransmittersA new transmitter can be programmedto the vehicle when there are tworecognized transmitters.To program, the vehicle must be offand all transmitters, both currentlyrecognized and new, must bewith you.1. Remove the vehicle key from therecognized transmitter.2. Place the two recognizedtransmitters in the cupholder.3. Remove the key lock cylinder capon the driver door handle. SeeDoor Locks 0 19. Insert thevehicle key into the key lockcylinder on the driver doorhandle, then turn the keycounterclockwise to the unlockposition five times within10 seconds.The DIC displays READY FORREMOTE #2, 3, 4, ETC.4. Place the new transmitter intothe transmitter pocket. Thecenter console storage area willneed to be opened.5. Press ENGINE START/STOP.When the transmitter is learned,the DIC display will show that itis ready to program the nexttransmitter.6. Remove the transmitter from thetransmitter pocket and press Kor Q on the transmitter.To program additionaltransmitters, repeat Steps 4–6.When all additional transmittersare programmed, press and holdENGINE START/STOP forapproximately 12 seconds to exitprogramming mode.7. Put the vehicle key back into thetransmitter.8. Replace the key lock cylindercap. See Door Locks 0 19.Programming without RecognizedTransmittersIf two currently recognizedtransmitters are not available, followthis procedure to program up to eighttransmitters. This feature is notavailable in Canada. This procedure