DRIVING AND OPERATING 203Ride Control SystemsTraction Control/ElectronicStability ControlSystem OperationThe vehicle has a Traction ControlSystem (TCS) and StabiliTrak/Electronic Stability Control (ESC).These systems help limit wheel spinand assist the driver in maintainingcontrol, especially on slippery roadconditions.TCS activates if it senses that any ofthe drive wheels are spinning orbeginning to lose traction. When thishappens, TCS applies the brakes to thespinning wheels and reduces enginepower to limit wheel spin.StabiliTrak/ESC activates when thevehicle senses a difference betweenthe intended path and the directionthe vehicle is actually traveling.StabiliTrak/ESC selectively appliesbraking pressure to any one of thevehicle wheel brakes to assist thedriver in keeping the vehicle on theintended path.If cruise control is being used andtraction control or StabiliTrak/ESCbegins to limit wheel spin, cruisecontrol will disengage. Cruise controlmay be turned back on when roadconditions allow.Both systems come on automaticallywhen the vehicle is started and beginsto move. The systems may be heard orfelt while they are operating or whileperforming diagnostic checks. This isnormal and does not mean there is aproblem with the vehicle.It is recommended to leave bothsystems on for normal drivingconditions, but it may be necessary toturn TCS off if the vehicle gets stuckin sand, mud, ice, or snow. See If theVehicle Is Stuck 0 179 and “Turningthe Systems Off and On” later in thissection.The indicator light for both systems isin the instrument cluster. Thislight will:. Flash when TCS is limitingwheel spin.. Flash when StabiliTrak/ESC isactivated.. Turn on and stay on when eithersystem is not working.If either system fails to turn on or toactivate, a message displays in theDriver Information Center (DIC), andd comes on and stays on to indicatethat the system is inactive and is notassisting the driver in maintainingcontrol. The vehicle is safe to drive,but driving should be adjustedaccordingly.If d comes on and stays on:1. Stop the vehicle.2. Turn the engine off and wait15 seconds.3. Start the engine.4. Drive the vehicle.