78 SEATS AND RESTRAINTS. Sit all the way back on the seat.Do the knees bend at the seatedge? If yes, continue. If no, returnto the booster seat.. Buckle the lap-shoulder belt. Doesthe shoulder belt rest on theshoulder? If yes, continue. If no,try using the rear seat beltcomfort guide, if available. See“Rear Seat Belt Comfort Guides”under Lap-Shoulder Belt 0 60. If acomfort guide is not available, or ifthe shoulder belt still does not reston the shoulder, then return to thebooster seat.. Does the lap belt fit low and snugon the hips, touching the thighs?If yes, continue. If no, return tothe booster seat.. Can proper seat belt fit bemaintained for the length of thetrip? If yes, continue. If no, returnto the booster seat.Q: What is the proper way to wearseat belts?A: An older child should wear alap-shoulder belt and get theadditional restraint a shoulder beltcan provide. The shoulder beltshould not cross the face or neck.The lap belt should fit snuglybelow the hips, just touching thetop of the thighs. This applies beltforce to the child's pelvic bones ina crash. It should never be wornover the abdomen, which couldcause severe or even fatal internalinjuries in a crash.Also see “Rear Seat Belt ComfortGuides” under Lap-Shoulder Belt 0 60.According to accident statistics,children are safer when properlyrestrained in a rear seating position.In a crash, children who are notbuckled up can strike other peoplewho are buckled up, or can be thrownout of the vehicle. Older children needto use seat belts properly.{ WarningNever allow more than one child towear the same seat belt. The seatbelt cannot properly spread theimpact forces. In a crash, they can(Continued)Warning (Continued)be crushed together and seriouslyinjured. A seat belt must be used byonly one person at a time.{ WarningNever allow a child to wear the seatbelt with the shoulder belt behindtheir back. A child can be seriouslyinjured by not wearing thelap-shoulder belt properly. In a(Continued)