54 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSRear SeatsRear Seat ReminderIf equipped, the message REAR SEATREMINDER LOOK IN REAR SEATdisplays under certain conditionsindicating there may be an item orpassenger in the rear seat. Checkbefore exiting the vehicle.This feature will activate when asecond row door is opened while thevehicle is on or up to 10 minutesbefore the vehicle is turned on. Therewill be an alert when the vehicle isturned off. The alert does not directlydetect objects in the rear seat; instead,under certain conditions, it detectswhen a rear door is opened andclosed, indicating that there may besomething in the rear seat.The feature is active only once eachtime the vehicle is turned on and off,and will require reactivation byopening and closing the second rowdoors. There may be an alert evenwhen there is nothing in the rear seat;for example, if a child entered thevehicle through the rear door and leftthe vehicle without the vehicle beingshut off.The feature can be turned on or off.See Vehicle Personalization 0 140.Rear Seat AdjustmentCautionDo not adjust the power seat whena child restraint is installed.Adjusting the seat may causedamage to the installed childrestraint. Use the window lockoutbutton on the driver door toprevent adjustment of the seatwhenever a child restraint isinstalled.If equipped, the armrest may haveseat adjustment controls. The rearseat adjustment controls are lockedwhen the window lockout switch isengaged. See Armrest Storage 0 99.1. Seatback Display and LumbarAdjustment Control2. Up3. Rearward4. Down5. Forward6. Power Seat Adjustment7. Power Seat Adjustment8. MassageWhen the seatback display control (1)is toggled, a panel display will beactivated from the driver or passengerseatback. The rear seatback willautomatically recline when the rearseat is moved forward.