![Canon MultiPASS C80 Software User's Manual Manual pdf 26 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4939529/a4d6673fe2066b7a6b856d20def7162626f.jpg)
3-2 Printing with the MultiPASS Printer Chapter 3Printing a DocumentOnce you have installed the software, you are ready to print a document —from any Windows application that supports printing, such as Word forWindows — using the MultiPASS printer.Printer options are initially installed using default settings, enabling youto print immediately. These options determine what your documents looklike when printed. For example, they define such settings as the paper sizeand page orientation. For more information on printer settings, see the“Working with Print Options (Windows 95/98)” and “Working with PrintOptions (Windows NT)” sections presented later in this chapter.Instructions for printing a document can vary somewhat for differentWindows applications. Therefore, for detailed instructions, see the userdocumentation for the specific application from which you are printing.The following instructions summarise the general procedures for printinga document.To print a document:1. With your document open, click the print command. (In mostWindows applications, the print command is on the File menu ortoolbar.)2. In the Print dialog box, make sure the MultiPASS printer is selected inthe Printer box.The MultiPASS printer appears as the selected printer if you specifiedit as the default printer when you installed the printer driver andDesktop Manager software, as described in the previous chapter.3. Click the command to print your document (usually OK or Print).The document is printed to your MultiPASS printer.Printing EnvelopesWhen printing envelopes, use the following guidelines for the best results.