I-10 IndexSent Fax folderoverview 4-7setup optionsoverwriting for the MultiPASS printer2-6sharing the printercross-platform in Windows NT B-1setup 2-8showing a buttonon the Toolbar 6-34showing ScanGearwhen scanning with the Toolbar 6-38Sizeprint option, stamp (Win95/98) 3-27special characterswhen PC faxing or phoning in theDesktop Manager A-1speed dial assignmentsfor the MultiPASS printer 8-15speed of the scan processincreasing 6-29splittinga document into two 7-14Stampprint option (Win95/98) 3-24stampadding to a document 5-37, 7-55colour, print option (Win95/98) 3-27creating, print option (Win95/98) 3-24deleting, print option (Win95/98) 3-30placement, print option (Win95/98) 3-28text, print option (Win95/98) 3-26Stamp Textprint option (Win95/98) 3-26Status barScanGear window 6-4status barin the Document Viewer 7-35overview for the Desktop Manager 4-6status messagesfor the MultiPASS Server 8-27Status Monitor. See MultiPASS StatusMonitorsticky-noteadding 5-61, 7-54editing text 5-61, 7-55Stopped statusin the Send Fax Manager 5-18Super Photoprint mode (Win95/98) 3-8print mode (WinNT) 3-34system requirementsdescribed 1-5system settingsautomatic indexing 8-19document deletion 8-18system setupemail attachments 8-18in the Desktop Manager 8-17Include Annotations On 8-18system-defined folderdescribed 4-6Ttelephone handsetusing from the Desktop Manager 8-23Textprint mode (Win95/98) 3-7print mode (WinNT) 3-33textadding to a document 7-53editing 5-36, 7-53searching documents by 7-28timesearching documents by 7-27tone curvesusing to adjust scan tone 6-26