Uplink Failure Detection (UFD) | 647description Enter a text description of an uplink-state group.Syntax description textParametersDefaults noneCommand Modes UPLINK-STATE-GROUPCommandHistoryRelatedCommandsExample Figure 36-1. description Command ExampledownstreamAssign a port or port-channel to the uplink-state group as a downstream interface.Syntax downstream interfaceTo delete a downstream interface, use the no downstream interface command.ParametersDefaults noneCommand Modes UPLINK-STATE-GROUPCommandHistorytext Text description of the uplink-state group.Maximum length: 80 alphanumeric characters.Version Introduced on MXL 10/40GbE Switch IO Moduleuplink-state-group Creates an uplink-state group and enable the tracking of upstream links.FTOS(conf-uplink-state-group-3)#description Testing UFD featureFTOS(conf-uplink-state-group-3)#show config!uplink-state-group 3description Testing UFD featureinterface Enter one of the following interface types:10-Gigabit Ethernet: tengigabitethernet {slot/port | slot/port-range}40-Gigabit Ethernet: fortygigabitethernet {slot/port |slot/port-range}Port channel: port-channel {1-512 | port-channel-range}Where port-range and port-channel-range specify a range of ports separatedby a dash (-) and/or individual ports/port channels in any order; for example:tengigabitethernet 1/1-2,5,9,11-12port-channel 1-3,5A comma is required to separate each port and port-range entry.Version Introduced on MXL 10/40GbE Switch IO Module